Monday, October 22, 2012

My rings fit!

Finally after about 6 months - 5 pregnant and I post - my engagement ring and wedding band finally fit again. It feels so nice to finally put them back on... Feels as good if not better than fitting into my Hudson jeans!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Baby seat in convertible??

For months weve been trying to figure out how or if the car seat would fit in our convertible. We've run tests with non pregnant family members in the passenger seat since there was no way I was gonna fit. Wednesday was the first day to put it to a real test.

I think we did a great job. It only requires no rain and no front passengers. So if you have the britax chaperone seat and a BMW 328 convertible there is a chance.

And yes- we did put the top up before gettin on the road.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Polka dots!

We bought a diaper bag a few months ago from Kate spade. While watching tv today we found out we are totally in style. Polka dots are a hit this year! I love it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Helpful hint: Tips

During our first week home from the hospital, we received lots of flowers from family members. It was so nice to see the house with all the arrangements. The only tricky part was answering the door and finding a few dollars for a tip.  I decided to put about $10 in singles in an envelope   and taped near the door.  While you cant expect flowers to be delivered, it also helps when pizza is delivered.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

He's here!

My husband and I welcomed a new baby boy into our hearts in late September. Since then I've been learning all about this mommy stuff. It's amazing how much you learn from the minute a baby is born. This is completely all new for me. This blog will include a variety of things I've learned as well as some mommy/baby related randomness.

Please disregard any spelling errors or poor sentence structure as I will likely be blogging on my cell while the little guy is feeding.